Green left media deception over marina violence

The media helped the Waiheke Marina trespassers (they should not be called protesters) by giving maximum publicity to their allegations of violence against security guards. Turns out the trespassers were just as ready to commit violence as anyone.

The media knew this, but kept it hidden from their customers. While they send out lame releases saying they need our trust they prove again and again by the content of their stories they don’t really give a damn. Green left propaganda has priority over trust any day.

A woman by the name of Josephine Franks has written numerous articles for Stuff headlining violence against protesters and it is hard to believe she didn’t know the real story. Here’s Ms Frank’s bio-

Stuff writer Josephine Franks

Josephine Franks joined Stuff as a social media producer in 2017 after moving to Auckland from the UK. A year later she made the leap into reporting and since then she’s focused on education and social issues, with an interest in feature writing and a side beat in curious fads. Before leaving London she was an editor at parenting website Mumsnet (despite not having kids). Josephine started out in journalism as the editor of Epigram, the Univerity of Bristol’s student newspaper.

Some resume. No wonder these people can’t write and don’t give a damn for the facts. Ms Frank’s reporting has been outrageously sympathetic to the property invaders, with a Disney movie style theme of pure, honest and non-violent locals defending against cruel evil and violent developers. She should be sacked after this blunder.

Turns out the invader’s complaints of violence were a scam, and given the video of one particular incident was cut so precisely, its hard to believe Stuff were not in on said scam. Stuff were not alone in publishing the edited video, and now the media that published it have been forced into a humiliating backdown by the Marina company’s insistence that they show full coverage of the incident.

Not only have the media been caught out in a deceit, but so have the trespassers, who were given copious coverage of their claims to be victims, when they were not. So once again we learn the media are in cahoots with the green left, and the green left are conscienceless liars, and most importantly we cannot trust any mainstream media reporting on such issues.

This goes from little lies about penguins on Waiheke right up to big lies about the United Nations and their climate change scam. Media has been totally infiltrated by the green left, it cannot be trusted, and Stuff is just one more example of why that is so.

8 responses to “Green left media deception over marina violence”

  1. simonesaysno Avatar

    “and now the media that published it have been forced into a humiliating background by the Marina company’s insistence that they show full coverage of the incident.”
    Background or backdown?

    Unfortunately, I suspect the thickness of the hides of the NZ Mudstream Media means that they’re immune to embarrassment or humiliation.

    Is there an alternative link to the video? Might be that HTML 5 is why I can’t play it, in here.


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Thanks Simone. You’re a handy proof reader, but I already saw that one. (I just never have enough time)


      1. V Avatar

        I do love those environmentalist types – particularly the ones that are never satisfied with the hair colour options that nature provides. Instead opting for chemicals that need to be handled at wastewater plants. Not exactly top shelf.


        1. Redbaiter Avatar

          Think that as a country, we’ve got a real problem with mental illness. Narcissism is at epidemic levels.


      2. simonesaysno Avatar

        Right. Proofing is an affliction of mine. Comes of being raised by a grammarian grand mother and weaned on to a dictionary. I did eventually get the video (as it was) to run on Safari. I also should’ve also said the obvious – delete such a [proofing] comment once viewed. Or maybe I should send such by email instead? Would that be less work for you?

        I can only speculate on the efforts you go to, but I do express my gratitude for your insights.

        As I’ve oft lamented, those who most need to see / hear / read such things as you publish, never will.

        Even if they did, “nothing is harder to open than a closed mind.”


        1. Redbaiter Avatar

          You can email if you want Simone. I appreciate your input. No matter how hard you look when the article is in the composition box, you can never see some errors until it is published!


  2. Gary Avatar

    Thank you for the great work you are doing on this site. I am sending links to friends to get them on board also.


    1. Redbaiter Avatar

      Thank you for the kind words and support Gary. Appreciated immensely.
